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Total Solar Eclipse 2024

March 13, 2024

On April 8, 2024 there will be a total solar eclipse visible from a large portion of the United States. The cities of Temple and Waco, Texas are prime locations to view the eclipse from within the visibility strip across central Texas.

Don’t miss this rare and amazing event. Learn everything you need to know from this guide to the Solar Eclipse of 2024

What is a Total Solar Eclipse? 

A total solar eclipse occurs when the sun and moon are in precise alignment so that the moon blocks the view of the sun from the Earth. Partial eclipses happen on a regular basis, but a total solar eclipse is a rare event that occurs maybe once every 3-4 years. 

What Time Will the Eclipse Occur? 

An eclipse is a gradual process that takes place over the course of a few hours. In Temple and Waco, Texas the eclipse should begin around 12:19 PM and reach its maximum point around 1:39 PM. The eclipse will then gradually lessen, ending around 2:59 PM. 

What Does a Total Eclipse Look Like? 

A total eclipse can darken the sun enough that it looks like twilight in the middle of the afternoon. The ambience is often described as unusual to the point of being eerie. As you look at the eclipse you will see what looks like a black disc moving in front of the sun, which is the moon in shadow. It is important that you wear special eclipse glasses to prevent damage to your eyes from looking directly at the sun. 

Where Can I Get Eclipse Glasses? 

Don’t wait to get your eclipse glasses, as they will most likely sell out closer to the date of the event. You can order official NASA approved eclipse glasses here. You can also order glasses from Amazon and other online vendors. Here is a guide to purchasing high quality approved solar eclipse glasses. Look for ISO (International Organization for Standardization) approved glasses to ensure that your eyes will be adequately protected from potentially permanent retinal damage. 


It is difficult to predict the weather so far in advance of the eclipse, but typical weather in early April in central Texas is dry and warm, making it an ideal location to view the eclipse. It is important to have clear skies with minimal or no clouds for optimal visibility. If you’re considering traveling to an ideal location to view the eclipse, Temple and Waco Texas are both favorable spots. 

Local Eclipse Events 

If you’re looking for a local event to watch the eclipse, the town of Waco, Texas is hosting an eclipse gathering with Lowell Observatory, Discovery Channel, and Baylor University. Eclipse Over Texas: Live from Waco is the largest event in the area for viewing the eclipse. General admission tickets are $20 and include eclipse glasses. Astronomers from Baylor University will be on site to answer questions and provide information about the eclipse. There will be telescopes, educational programming, food trucks, and family fun. 

Heart of Texas Endodontics Serves the Communities of Temple and Waco, TX

Heart of Texas Endodontics provides comprehensive endodontic services for families in Temple and Waco, Texas. We are proud to serve our community with specialized dental services that improve oral health and wellness. 
To learn more about our practice, contact us today and schedule an appointment.

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